Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

Oh, what a liar I am. I said I would keep up with this blog. I failed.

My dearest friend Allison Dowell has motivated me to get back into blogging this summer.

I am currently sitting in a Panera Bread in South Florida. Santiago and I made the drive down yesterday and today, quite a haul. But we had splendid times together in the car. I get the pleasure of staying with the Jaramillo family for the next week, then back to Ohio to start my job in Columbus! All of those updates will come later.

I cannot make a full post due to my limited amount of time. I just wanted to blow some dust of the blogging shelf- if you will.

I leave you with the following link:


Walmart never ceases to blow my mind. I told Santiago I wanted to do a study on the world's largest retailer (with over $405 billion in sales), you know, study the characters in good old Bentonville, Arkansas. He says I could never get any of their top secret information.

I like to think differently.

1 comment:

  1. I just found this! I was looking for you blog and it took me a while but now I will be reading it daily so keep updating it missy!
